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Get $20 dollars off the Master/slave Masterclass

How to become a Master or slave


  • Online Masterclass
  • 2.5 hours
  • 4 modules
  • Practical exercise sheets for each section


In 2.5 hours, I will show you how to move forward and discover what you really want as a Master or slave, and in doing so, how you find the right Master or slave for you.

Special offer

$64.99 – $44.99

Are you struggling to take the next step?


You feel anxious about taking the next steps in the M/s Lifestyle so play it safe and meet no one


You know this is something you want as you think about it all the time, but you have no idea how to take the next step safely


You look at the profile, but you feel blocked to take the next step to meet someone


Now you can move forward and make the fantasy a reality

Imagine waking up in the familiar comfort of your cage, your cock as hard as it gets in its chastity belt. Master will soon be present with your morning directions. 

Imagine waking up and seeing the boots of your Master. You kiss them and then look up to see those fantastic eyes looking down at you, proud of his property. Proud of you!

Imagine the 9 to 5 day is finally over, and you walk back home through the door. Your slave has cooked your favourite meal. Your slave reports to You to await a very kinky evening, the rest of the world forgotten.

What will you get from the masterclass?

 Figure out what you want and how you can safely find it

How to deal with blockers including shame and fear

Split large decisions into small easy steps

Simplify the search

Unleash the Power

Who is it for?

For Masters and slaves, Dominants and submissives wanting a relationship

People who want to bring Master/slave kink into their relationship(s)

People who want to explore outside of their existing relationship(s)

People who want to find someone special for intense Master/slave play

What’s in the Masterclass?

2.5 hours of video content split over 4 modules

Practical exercises that move you forward

All in bite-sized chunks so you can learn at the speed that is best for you

4 Key modules to move your forward

M/s relationships explained

Find the right relationship for me

Understand Masters and slaves

How to get ready for a a Master/slave relationship

Each part breaks down a key part of identifying the sort of Master/slave you want to be, and how to move forward to find the right Master or slave for you

About Me

I’ve spent 20 years exploring and experiencing 24/7 Master/slave relationships. My unique experiences as both Master and slave allow me to understand and help people on both sides of the power exchange spectrum.

I’m now a Master looking for a deep connection with the slaves I train, and I’m slowly looking to build my own leather family of 24/7 slaves.

For 20 years, I was a slave, leading to a global exploration of the Master/slave scene, serving Masters long-term and 24/7 from East Coast Australia to the West Coast of the USA and South Africa to Finland.

My journeys had incredible times but also dark times. But through these, I have learned what the reality of the Master/slave lifestyle is and how to live it.

As a coach and educator, I now help others avoid my mistakes, find what they really need, and have the courage to find the Master/slave for them. I also help those already experienced in the M/S lifestyle.

I have appeared in numerous publications and have participated in panels and workshops at numerous events worldwide, including the Master/slave Conference, Darklands, CLAW, The Village Berlin, and Recon.

Find out more

Master/slave & Kink Coaching
Gay Confidence Coaching
Career Coaching

Practical exercise sheets and quizzes

At the end of each module, there are optional quizzes and exercise sheets to help you move forward.

Works on mobile, tablet and desktop

Is this suitable for me?

For anyone interested in power exchange

If you are interested in power exchange, this suits you!

Everything on the website, including the books, courses, and coaching, is designed to help anyone interested in power exchange,
regardless of what term they use to identify themselves.

Beginners & Advanced

If you are just starting out and looking to take the first steps with your desires, I have you covered. I hand hold you step by step of the way.

For those already experienced but wanting to explore power exchange further, I can help you do so and deal with any blockers you may have.

Be it in a relationship or already in one.

Masters & slave

I have been both Master and slave, so I understand both perspectives, including the struggles and challenges of both roles.

My books, courses, and coaching reflect my understanding of both the dominant and submissive sides, giving you a unique perspective to help you move forward in your journey.

Any sex and sexuality

Although I write from my experience as a gay cis man, all that I write and create is suitable for all sexes and sexuality.

I am also demisexual – so you will see a strong thread of mindful connection in all of my work.


I feel I have gained so much from this masterclass. The biggest result for me has been what I learned about myself and how I’ve grown from that knowledge. Especially the analogy of the lantern in the dark (damn, I love that).

The tools helped me to identify what I feel like I want and how to then examine these feelings. For example, I’m finding it easier to speak with my partner about what I want for the future and not feel ashamed or embarrassed.

This very morning, I was speaking to a potential slave and, using what I learned from the course, unlock an issue that was stopping us from progressing. I watched the slave’s face light up as I did it, and we are now chatting about the possibilities of him serving me.

It has been such a great investment!

Master Jim

Read more testimonials

Discover the Master/slave in you – Special offer

A pathway to finding the right Master or slave for you

What sort of slave are you?

Discover what sort of slave you are and the right sort of Master for you

What sort of Master am I?

Discover the Master within and the best sort of slave to control

Unblock yourself

We can often find ourselves blocked and unable to move forward. Discover how to unblock yourself so you can move forward

The difference between good and bad

Discover the difference between good and bad Masters and slaves so you can find the right ones for you.

Online Masterclass

How to become a Master/slave course

$64.99 – $44.99

4 Modules
2.5 hours of video
Exercise sheets
Designed to work on mobile, tablet and computer
Based on real life examples
For Masters
For slaves

Frequently Asked Questions