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BDSM and Mental Health

Master Phil avatar

In this episode, I speak with Dr Richard Sprott and Dr Anna Randall from TASHRA – The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance. In this episode, we discover how they merged the personal and business to focus on kink and BDSM.

We talk about how therapy has changed its view on BDSM and Master/slave relationships, and what to do if you are looking for a therapist. But also how we can use the skills we have learnt in BDSM and Master/slave to find the right therapist for us.

And they also talk about the Kink Health Study – which will be one of the most extensive studies on Kink people and communities ever done.

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More info on the Master/slave Lifestyle Community:

More information on Dr Richard Sprott and Dr Anna Randall from TASHRA


Podcast index

  • Why are they so passionate about kink and mental health
  • How was BDSM first seen by mental health professionals
  • If someone needs to see a therapist, what would you recommend?
  • What should someone do if a therapist shames you for your Masterslave or kink/BDSM fantasies
  • Is there more therapy happening online
  • If you have been shamed before and you are frightened to talk about it with your current therapy, what can you do to open up
  • Why has kink turned into a hot topic?
  • In their previous research – what have they found out – especially in Master/slave power dynamics
  • About the kink health survey

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And remember, It does not matter if you use the terms Master/slave or something else.

Perhaps you’re not in a relationship yet, but you want to share your journey of coming out and accepting who you are.

Or do you have something else you feel is important to share with the community?

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