Why write this BDSM blog?: A few times on the gay S&M scene I have come across a precious few people who want to live S&M as a lifestyle.

What do I mean by a lifestyle? Those who want to live this as a family. Be that 24/7/365 master/slave, or as a leather family in brotherhood.

The S&M scene currently is built around those wanting to play. There is nothing wrong with this. But it leaves the few us who want something more often wondering where we can go to.

Those precious few people I have met have all said the same thing. That they wish there was a community for us.

My hope is that this site can be the start of connecting those of us that are living the lifestyle of trying to find it. A place to connect with others, and a place where we can come for help and support.

If you are interested in finding out more contact me.