Picture of Master Vikthor

Sacred Kink and Bondage in a 24/7 Master/slave relationship

Master Phil avatar

Discover a Master’s journey from a performer to a Sacred Kink 24/7 Master. We will explore the depths of sacred kink and how it works. How the Master and slave found each other and pushed through their fears and boundaries, and how they live 24/7 without living with each other. And how you could start to use sacred kink yourself.

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Episode Index

  • The journey from Performer to a Master
  • What is the difference between a sacred kink bondage scene and a normal one
  • The importance of putting on a collar in a conscious way
  • What is a sacred kink scene/session
    • The importance of being flexible with a scene
    • The importance of making sure a sub/slave is not nervous
    • How drugs in a scene can get in the way of a connection
  • How did He find His full-time slave
  • How the aim of a scene is not to cum
  • How both Master and his slave learnt of each other and pushed through fears and barriers
  • Is a Sacred Master/slave relationship any different?
  • How they are 24/7 but do not live together
  • What actions can you take to move into a scared kink

Want to appear on the Master/slave podcast? Let’s talk!

Are you in a power exchange relationship and want to share your story? If you want to share your story, get in touch.

And remember, It does not matter if you use the terms Master/slave or something else.

Perhaps you’re not in a relationship yet, but you want to share your journey of coming out and accepting who you are.

Or do you have something else you feel is important to share with the community?

I want to hear from all of you!
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