Slaves serve a BDSM Master with a lot of energy and focus – a part of a psychological slave mindset common in most slaves. This ability is one reason why we are so suited and good at serving someone else. But what happens when a slave does not have a Master to serve? We need a way to channel this energy of the BDSM slave’s intense need to fixate.
How slaves deal with all of this energy is a common issue that many unowned slaves can have – including myself. And this energy can be a powerful, potent force in a slave.
To deal with the energy, most often, we choose to fixate on something.
What is the BDSM slave’s intense need to fixate?
In the absence of a Master, a slave will often look for projects, tasks and other avenues to focus on. We do this to harness and channel this energy inside us. If we did not, we would worry that it would overwhelm us.
Recent examples of this for myself are:
- This website
- Doing up parts of my flat and apartment
- A writing project
- Creating an archive and toolset from my work over the last 10 years
I know of other slaves that learn new skills such as gardening or carpentry.
For myself, a project where I am harnessing my energy takes time, and most importantly, a lot of mental energy. The task might be physical, or it might not be. The important thing for me is the mental energy that it takes. Therefore, anything small or easy does not apply as it does not take much mental energy.
For instance, when I am looking to update part of my flat, I will spend a lot of time researching the options, thinking through the variables and permutations before executing on it.
What is important is that I am harnessing most of the energy in my mind towards that project.
When I have finished such a project, I focus much more on being unowned and serving again. So I need to find another project to direct my energy.
Constructive and destructive approaches
I believe most slaves have this ability to fixate. It is what makes us slave. Until we find a Master, we must channel this energy, and there are constructive and destructive ways we can do this.
One of the reasons I choose projects is that I find it a much more constructive way to channel and harness my energy. And the more I find projects that align with my needs and values – such as creativity – the happier I generally am.
There are other ways we can try and deal with this slave fixation and energy that is destructive. This can include addiction — addiction from drugs and addiction from overwork, shopping, drinking, eating, etc.
Even constructive projects if you work on them in an addictive way – for example, working in things that give you no joy just to work on something, anything while you are not serving.
Any slave must be aware of harnessing this fixation and energy in healthy ways and be aware when they are moving into unhealthy destructive patterns.
So choose how you channel this fixation energy wisely.
One final thing a slave can do that is destructive is to fixate on finding a Master.
How can BDSM slave’s intense need to fixate be used to find a Master
This seems to be a contradiction. Surely if a slave is unowned, they should spend all of their energy trying to find a Master?
My view is no. A slave should not spend all of their energy finding a Master; a slave should spend only some of their energy.
There are several reasons for this:
- Putting all your energy into a search does not necessarily mean you will meet the right Master for yourself. Quite often, the right person turns up when we least expect it. Rather than desperately searching, we should search some of the time and remain open to the right person appearing.
- You can come across as desperate and eager – this can be seen as off-putting by some Masters – so you might be discounted by a Master for coming over too strong. Given the strength of this energy, we can have to serve; this can feel unfair. But it is a practical issue to be aware of when searching for a Master.
- A psychopath or other person unfit to be a Master can take advantage of your desperation. When we are so desperate to serve someone, we can overlook how the Master behaves and acts. When we have this energy to serve in check, we can be more aware of these issues and step back, rather than exposing ourselves to someone dangerous for ourselves.
I have made this mistake to fixate all that energy of wanting to serve into trying to find a Master. And I have then found myself coming across as too desperate or eager. So it has sometimes impacted my judgement of a Master that has not been healthy for me.
Do not overdo it
Even if you are not searching for a Master, we can burn out if we spend this energy without regards to the cost it can on us – both physically and mentally.
I recently started a new job, done many different side projects, and was quite ill from the COVID vaccine. It meant this week I deliberately spent resting and meditating as I realised I was giving too much to the energy and losing touch with myself.
Do Masters suffer from this fixation?
I would love feedback from Masters to help me understand this.
I have not been aware of it being as potent an issue for Masters compared to slaves. But I do remember one Master speaking to me about feeling the same. Wanting to own a slave, and while he does not own anybody, he has many hobbies to distract himself from that need.
What can we do about this?
I think we all – both Masters and slaves – need to be aware of this issue.
I also recommend that if either Master or slave comes across as a bit frantic or desperate to remember this fixation issue and be a bit more forgiving. Remember, this can be a very potent force for all of us.
Finally, we need to harness this energy in the most healthy way possible using this article’s recommendations.
Do you struggle to embrace your fetishes because you worry there’s something wrong with you? Or perhaps you worry about what people will think of you? You’re not alone in thinking this, and it is often due to shame. I have written a handbook based on multiple research to help you break free from shame—check it out there.
Do you want more help figuring out what you want or how to find a Master or slave effectively? I have some online masterclasses you should check out.
If you want more help with power exchange, why not check out my book on the secrets of power exchange? I break down power exchange into four sections, helping you protect yourself from others and how to become the best Master or slave you can be.
If you want more help with these subjects, I offer coaching to help you embrace your kinks and fetishes.
And for those in the Master/slave Lifestyle – even if you use different terms – I offer coaching to help you move forward, be it you want to find a Master/slave lifestyle or you are already in a relationship and are looking for support.
unleash yourself from shame
Coaching to those wanting to move and embrace their kinks.
Specialist coaching in the Master/slave and power exchange lifestyle.

A book that unveils the secrets of power exchange so you can protect yourself and become the best Master or slave you can be